MajorDomo Not working after MailScanner installed

Kham Vue kvue at WADSNET.COM
Thu May 23 16:36:17 IST 2002

I have a Cobalt RAQ3.

Majordomo is not working.  I emailed my mail groups and it goes nowhere.

Kham Vue
Internet Admin
The City of Wadsworth
WADSNET.COM High Speed Internet Service
kvue at
 "Believe that life is worth living, and your belief will help create the fact."
      --William James

----- Original Message -----
From: "Richard Bollinger" <rabollinger at>
Sent: Thursday, May 23, 2002 10:45 AM
Subject: Configuration Question - RBL

> When using RBL spam avoidance, is there any reason why one would prefer to perform
the checking in:
> 1) sendmail
> 2) mailscanner
> 3) spamassassin
> Certainly there would be no advantage in performing the RBL tests more than once,
> If sendmail is the first step in the process, then it would seem best to let
sendmail do the RBL
> testing to prevent any further processing, right?
> Thanks, Rich Bollinger

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