Broken Return-Path: header (better solution!)

Evert Jan van Ramselaar evertjan at VANRAMSELAAR.NL
Mon May 13 14:51:38 IST 2002

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Julian Field
> Sent: Friday, May 10, 2002 9:18 AM

> What happens if you tell MailScanner to archive all the mail in a safe
> directory somewhere, then compare the qf file for this message with what
> gets delivered. I believe you will see the same 8-bit character.

Hey, you are right about this! How strange. Even more because the message
that is eventually sent to the recipient has a correct Return-Path header...

  Evert Jan van Ramselaar  <evertjan at>
  Van Ramselaar Info Tech  <>

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