scanning of messages received using fetchmail

Rajesh Fowkar rajesh-shriram at GMX.NET
Sun May 12 22:57:58 IST 2002


Through outgoing messaging are scanned by mailscanner. The messages which I
receive using fetchmail from my pop3 accounts are not scanned by
mailscanner. What am I doing wrong ?

I have :

rajesh at debian:~/tmp$ dpkg -l |grep mailscanner
ii  mailscanner    3.13.2-2       An email virus scanner and spam tagger.
rajesh at debian:~/tmp$

rajesh at debian:~/tmp$ dpkg -l |grep sendmail
ii  sendmail       8.12.3-4       A powerful, efficient, and scalable Mail Tra
ii  sendmail-doc   8.12.3-4       A powerful, efficient, and scalable Mail Tra
rajesh at debian:~/tmp$

Thanks in advance.


Rajesh *  rajesh at  *
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