Return-Path header corrupt in virus reports

Mike Zanker mike at ZANKER.ORG
Wed May 1 13:55:39 IST 2002

On 29 April 2002 21:13 +0100 Julian Field <jkf at ECS.SOTON.AC.UK> wrote:

> What has that bounce got to do with $g? The "unparsable" error
> message is due to the TNEF decoder not being able to handle the weird
> and wonderful TNEF formats that some versions of Outlook produce.
> It's nothing to do with the Return-Path:, which MailScanner makes no
> use of.

Can MailScanner be fixed to display the Return-Path: header correctly?


Mike Zanker
Northampton, UK
PGP Public Key: pgp at

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