Which are the recommended CPAN module versions?

Funk Gabor Funk.Gabor at HUNETKFT.HU
Fri Mar 22 19:50:22 GMT 2002

>>What other versions are people successfully using on RedHat 7.2 systems?
Since this is more perl related than distrib, I hereby share my debian experience.
I use a debian testing, I installed Mailscanner more than a months ago, the
versions were as follows. Since then they probably got upgraded if there was
new version. (Debian testing has perl 5.6)

  io::stringy [libiostringy] v2.108-1
  MIME::Base64 [libmimebase64] v2.12-4
  Mail::Tools [libmailtools] v1.42-2
  MIME::Tools [libmime-perl] v5.4.11-1

Works fine.


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