Which are the recommended CPAN module versions?

Quentin Campbell Q.G.Campbell at NEWCASTLE.AC.UK
Fri Mar 22 19:38:25 GMT 2002

I am about to install the latest version of MailScanner (and
SpamAssassin) on a brand new dual-processor box running Redhat 7.2. The
latter has Perl 5.6.0 installed by default.

What are the current recommended levels for the following CPAN modules
needed by MailScanner:

  IO-stringy  (now at 2.108 but Julian used 1.211)
  MIME-Base64 (now at 2.12 but Julian used 2.11)
  MailTools   (various: 1.1401, 1.16, 1.40 & 1.43; Julian used 1.1401)

  File-Spec   (now at 0.82 but a version already installed with Perl
  MIME-tools  (various: 5.411 & 5.411a; Julian used patched 5.313)

What other versions are people successfully using on RedHat 7.2 systems?

PHONE: +44 191 222 8209    Computing Service, University of Newcastle
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