No SpamAssasin Output

Steve Evans sevans at FOUNDATION.SDSU.EDU
Fri Jun 28 17:42:29 IST 2002

What was fixed in 3.20-5, I'm on 3.20-7

Steve Evans
Computing Services
(619) 594-0653

-----Original Message-----
From: John Goggan [mailto:jgoggan at DCG.COM] 
Sent: Friday, June 28, 2002 9:37 AM
Subject: Re: No SpamAssasin Output

Steve Evans wrote:
> I have a few e-mails that have no SpamAssasin report in the headers.  
> It simply says Not Spam and where it lists the score it only says ().

> Would this be what happens if SpamAssasin timed out?  I installed 
> Razor yesterday so I'm worried that could be happening.

Do you have the new release of MailScanner installed?  If I recall,
there was something on the change logs about no more "empty"
SpamAssassin reports -- which I _think_ relates to this.

 - John...

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