bogus qf-file generated by mailscanner

Julian Field mailscanner at
Tue Jun 25 11:16:56 IST 2002

Thanks for spotting this one. Fortunately it only affects mail that was
marked as spam anyway, so it's not critical.
However, I will push out a new release some time to incorporate the fix
(and the one someone mentioned earlier today).

At 10:49 25/06/2002, you wrote:
>using mailscanner-3.20-6 with SA-2.30 on AIX 4.3 with sendmail-8.11
>and Perl-5.005, I observe, that sometimes queue-Files in the delivering
>queue are renamed from qf.. to Qf.. and the corresponding message is
>not delivered. This happens for about 2 percent of messages marked
>as spam.
>Reason for this behaviour is, as far as I can see, that by generating the
>output-qf-file mailscanner seems to split the header-line for the SA-result
>in such a way, that a single line, containing only ')', without a leading
>TAB-char, is generated. The ')' should correctly be at the end of the
>previous line, to end the SA-report, standing alone on a single line it
>is not recognized by sendmail and thus the qf-file is not accepted.
>In the logs I found that for these messages the SA-report had an
>additional whitespace at its end (before the ')'), which seems to cause
>this behaviour. I included this patch into (after line 285):
>       $SASaysSpam = 0 unless $SAreport; # Solve bug with empty SAreports
>+      $SAreport =~ s/\s+$// if $SAreport;
>to get rid of the whitespace, and it is now working correctly for half a day.
>Andreas Piper
>Dr. Andreas Piper, Hochschulrechenzentrum der Philipps-Univ. Marburg
>           Hans-Meerwein-Strasse, 35032 Marburg, Germany
>Phone: +49 6421 28-23521  Fax: -26994  Email: piper at HRZ.Uni-Marburg.DE

Julian Field                Teaching Systems Manager
jkf at         Dept. of Electronics & Computer Science
Tel. 023 8059 2817          University of Southampton
                             Southampton SO17 1BJ

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