mailscanner status command

Mike Wallis mike at UNIXSECURITY.ORG
Thu Jun 20 20:38:52 IST 2002

Hash: SHA1

Julian Field wrote:

| What return values? My RedHat 7.1 system didn't print any. I just get a
| neat column of "[  OK  ]" entries like this:
| Shutting down MailScanner daemons:
|               MailScanner:                                 [  OK  ]
|               incoming sendmail:                           [  OK  ]
|               outgoing sendmail:                           [  OK  ]
| (view that in a fixed-width font)

The [OK]'s were the values to which I was referring. On my RH 7.2 system
it looked like this:
Shutting down MailScanner daemons:
~              MailScanner: [  OK  ]
~              incoming sendmail: [  OK  ]
~              outgoing sendmail: [  OK  ]

Adding the extra spacing caused everything to line up. Once I upgrade
that box to 7.3 later this week, I'll see if it's one of those oddities
that is highly version specific.

| I didn't capitalise incoming and outgoing as they are not product names
| which are normally capitalised, and they aren't the start of a statement.

I prefer them capitalized as the beginning of a line, but we already
know I'm weird.

| If we're getting down to the number of capital letters the init.d script
| prints, I guess the code must be working okay... :)

That was kind of my point... =)
But either way, thanks for taking the time to write that... I spent
about 15 minutes fiddling with it when I first installed MailScanner a
while back, but never really had the time to devote to actually
beautifying it.

- --
Mike Wallis
mw at
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