Suggestion for Sophos updates

Willem Kuiters wkuiters at FREE.FR
Tue Jun 18 17:33:31 IST 2002

Hoi Shane,

On Tue, Jun 18, 2002 at 04:24:02PM +0100, Shane Kelly wrote:
>       There is a notification via e-mail for Sophos alerts - whenever I receive
> one (and it can be busy) I initiate an update then (as well as using the
> nightly cron job)

I use a procmail recipe that launches the update script upon a message from
sophos. Works great and you are sure always to have the latest IDE files.

  |\ /|          Willem G.J. Kuiters
  |0 0|
  (/"\)          ---    "I give myself sometimes admirable    ---
 /     \         ---   advice, but I am incapable of taking   ---
(( U U ))        ---     it" -- Lady Mary Wortley Montagu     ---
 " " " "
                 --( 0.0.19)--

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