
Willem Kuiters wkuiters at FREE.FR
Wed Jun 5 14:32:57 IST 2002

Hoi MailScanner,

On Wed, Jun 05, 2002 at 01:43:38PM +0100, Julian Field wrote:
> At 18:54 04/06/2002, you wrote:
> >I know that I've been writing a shell script for
> >automatically updating the Sophos ide files.
> Why?
> What's wrong with the one in the MailScanner distribution? Works for
> everyone else...

Oh nothing Julian. It's just that I do not master perl quite well enough
yet and just wanted to see if I could write a short shell script myself
and drop it in /etc/cron.weekly or trigger it with procmail on the
receipt of mail from Sophos.

I still can't find where these "^M" strings come from. The header added by
mailscanner: "X-Mailscanner: Found to be clean" does not show the "^M".

I'd be happy with any clues.
 () ()          --- "Getting out of bed in the morning is an act of  ---
 (° °)          ---         false confidence" -- J. Feiffer          ---
 /\ /\          ---                                                  ---
(  "  )
 "   "-----/    ---                 (Htag.pl 0.0.19)                 ---

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