Attempt to hide real filename extention

Francois Caen FCaen at CI.LAKEWOOD.WA.US
Tue Jun 4 17:20:21 IST 2002

It's because there are 2 extensions:

Some viruses had attachments such as:
to trick not-so-savvy users.

Hence the rule, which you can kill if you need to.

Francois Caen
Network Information Systems Engineer - Webmaster
City of Lakewood, WA
(253) 512-2269
-----Original Message-----
From: thom at DARKSABER.COM 

I got an error on one site running mailscanner. 
Report: Attempt to hide real filename extension in Body_Rtf.rtf.ent 
What does this mean exactly? I checked the filename rules file, and 
couldn't see an entry about .ent. 

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