Help installing Spamassassin
Mike Kercher
Sun Jul 28 14:49:44 IST 2002
Actually, here's Julain's reply from a couple of months ago:
The raqfaq about installing MailScanner on a RAQ system has a slight error
in it where it describes the differences for a RAQ4. The raqfaq itself is at
Here's what you need to fix:
1. Edit /etc/mail/
Search for "QueueDirectory" and change the line to
O QueueDirectory=/var/spool/mqueue
2. Edit /usr/local/MailScanner/mailscanner.conf
Search for "Outgoing Queue Dir" and change the line to
Outgoing Queue Dir = /var/spool/mqueue
3. Move any remaining queue files into the updated queue directory
mv /var/spool/mqueue/q*/* /var/spool/mqueue
4. Delete the old queue subdirectories
rmdir /var/spool/mqueue/q*
5. Kill sendmail
/etc/rc.d/init.d/mailscanner stop
(this will kill all the sendmail processes if you happen to have more than 1
6. Kill MailScanner and restart it
(Then kill the process whose number it prints)
/etc/rc.d/init.d/mailscanner start
7. Check it's all okay:
ps ax | grep mail
should produce output like this:
1680 ? S 0:00 sendmail: accepting connections
1682 ? S 0:00 /usr/sbin/sendmail -q15m
1692 ? S 0:00 perl /usr/local/MailScanner/bin/mailscanner
----- Original Message -----
From: "Joe Quinn" <joe at QITC.CO.UK>
Sent: Sunday, July 28, 2002 6:44 AM
Subject: Help installing Spamassassin
> Can someone point me in the direction of a detailed set of instructions
> installing Spamassassin on a RaQ3 please? I had a look at the FAQ but it
> wasn't very explicit.
> Thanks,
> Joe
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