ANNOUNCE: Version 3.22-5 released

Julian Field mailscanner at
Tue Jul 23 16:56:17 IST 2002

At 16:46 23/07/2002, you wrote:
>Hash: SHA1
>On Tuesday 23 July 2002 13:21, Julian Field wrote:
> > I have just released Version 3.22-5.
> >
> > Many thanks to the beta testers for finding the odd obscure bug.
> >
> > A few new features this time:
> >
> > * Spam White List configuration option now gives a filename whose contents
> > are checked against both the sender's address and the recipients'
> > addresses.
>This is VERY misleading. I had my domain in the whitelist
>to accept all the messages coming from people in the domain (so to avoid
>false positives) and now all the messages where whitelisted since
>is always the destination domain!

The solution is very simple. Use "Accept Spam From" to define the net
blocks your local network lives in, whitelisting all your local hosts. Use
"Spam WhiteList" to define all the named domains which you want to accept
spam from.

>I do not know how easy is to work around, since I should now list all the
>possible local domains
>The previous content was
>I'm afraid will not be sufficient, since people often uses their
>full email address (the one name at machine) and there are lots of possible
>addresses in our domain (not all under my control).
>Is there a problem in my configuration or this is a more serious problem?
>Maurizio Munafo'
>- --
>      / Maurizio M. Munafo'                         /   dMMMMMMMMb  dMMMMb
>     / Dip. di Elettronica - Politecnico di Torino /   dMP"dMP"dMP    "dMP
>    / Corso Duca degli Abruzzi 24                 /   dMP dMP dMP   dMMK"
>   / I-10129 Torino (Italia)                     /   dMP dMP dMP     dMF
>  / Tel: +39 011 5644128  Fax: +39 011 5644099  /   dMP dMP dMP dMMMMP"
>/ E-mail: munafo at                    /__________________________
>Version: GnuPG v1.0.5 (GNU/Linux)
>Comment: For info see

Julian Field                Teaching Systems Manager
jkf at         Dept. of Electronics & Computer Science
Tel. 023 8059 2817          University of Southampton
                             Southampton SO17 1BJ

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