sendmail sometimes refuses connections.. anyone have simular problem

Nick Phillips nwp at LEMON-COMPUTING.COM
Sat Jul 13 00:10:48 IST 2002

On Fri, Jul 12, 2002 at 10:35:50AM -0400, Matt Doherty wrote:

> I'm not quite sure why this happens. I have read my maillogs, xfer logs,
> kernal messages, and find nothing to conclude this issue. This morning I
> started to receive calls that sendmail was down. Our web based email could
> send mail but client email programs were being refused.. Obviousley that
> ment sendmail was running fine right?

Nope. Sendmail for sending local messages is completely separate from sendmail
for listening for incoming messages.

> I restarted Mailscanner for the hell
> of it, and now both web based mail and client email clients can send.. So
> its gotta be sendmail right? or maybe it had some effect on the xinitd?
> Anyone here know this problem? This has been happening on and off ever since
> I installed mailscanner. Though it could be a coincidence that it started
> after the install, I'm not sure.

When do the mail logs show that sendmail stopped listening for incoming
connections? When was the last successful one? Does anything show up in
any of the other system logs around that time that might indicate problems?
What version of sendmail are you running?

When you mention xinitd, do you mean you are running sendmail from xinetd
to listen for incoming connections? If so, xinetd will probably have been
logging connections somewhere different to where sendmail logs... and any
xinetd problems would also be logged elsewhere.



Nick Phillips -- nwp at
Good day to deal with people in high places; particularly lonely stewardesses.

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