High SpamAssassin Score/Action

Julian Field mailscanner at ecs.soton.ac.uk
Wed Jul 3 21:40:22 IST 2002

Sorry about that. Fixed for the next (minor) release.

At 21:10 03/07/2002, you wrote:
>Hi.  I am toying with the High SpamAssassin Score/Action settings and
>notice that the syslog output is:
>Jul  3 16:07:11 www mailscanner[31675]: Scanning 1 messages, 3702 bytes
>Jul  3 16:07:12 www mailscanner[31675]: Deleted spam message QAA31742 from
>Jul  3 16:07:12 www mailscanner[31675]: Scanned 1 messages, 3702 bytes in
>0 seconds
>Even though I have Log Spam set to yes which usually shows:
>Jul  3 16:06:08 www mailscanner[31675]: Scanning 1 messages, 6121 bytes
>Jul  3 16:06:09 www mailscanner[31675]: Scanned 1 messages, 6121 bytes in
>0 seconds
>Jul  3 16:06:09 www mailscanner[31675]: Message QAA31691 from 24.x.x.x
>(smtp1.theadmanager.com) is spam according to SpamAssassin (score=12.5,
>I'd like to also see the reasons and scores of the High SpamAssassin
>Is this option a future possibility?

Julian Field                Teaching Systems Manager
jkf at ecs.soton.ac.uk         Dept. of Electronics & Computer Science
Tel. 023 8059 2817          University of Southampton
                             Southampton SO17 1BJ

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