Remove xls and doc macros

Nick Phillips nwp at LEMON-COMPUTING.COM
Mon Jul 1 10:31:01 IST 2002

On Mon, Jul 01, 2002 at 10:32:31AM +0200, Jose wrote:
> Does anybody know how I could configure the mailscanner in order to remove
> all macros in xls as well as in doc even when they don't contain any virus?.

Well, first of all work out how to do it using whichever virus scanning
program you use.

Then have a look at the options in and the wrapper for that scanner,
and change them to always remove macros.

Dunno how easy it is with any particular scanner, but if it's going to work,
that's how to do it.



Nick Phillips -- nwp at
Today is National Existential Ennui Awareness Day.

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