Local Domains - What does it mean?

Rishi Gangoly rishi at THEARGONCOMPANY.COM
Wed Jan 30 20:40:14 GMT 2002


I am new to using Mail Scanner. Just started a few days back. I'm in love with it. ;-)

However, the reason I'm sending this email to ask what this means: Local Domains 

I've tried to look at all the documentation and even searched the Mailing List before asking the question, but I did not understand the purpose of this option.

The explanation says : This should list your local email domain name, or else be the name of a file containing a list of all your local email domain names. It is used by the Deliver From Local Domains

What does it mean? Could anyone explain this a little further in detail ...... Or can you point me to more documentation that I might have missed?



Rishi Gangoly
The Argon Company
4th Floor, G Block, Dhanraj Mahal
Chhatrapati Shivaji marg
Mumbai - 400039
Phone: 2361313
Pager: 9624-533230 
Call Centre: 2361311
Website: www.TheArgonCompany.com
Yahoo Messenger: rishigangoly
MSN Messenger: rishi at theargoncompany.com

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