Need to optimise SpamAssassin with MailScanner
Quentin Campbell
Wed Jan 23 11:05:29 GMT 2002
Am running MailScanner 3.03-1 with SpamAssassin 1.5.
Individually both work well. On enabling SpamAssassin within MailScanner
I found that to get SpamAssassin to work I had to up the SpamAssassin
Timeout to 20 (from 10). Without this change the sendmail logs showed
"SpamAssassin timed out and was killed" every time it was invoked on a
batch of messages.
Even with a value of 20 (seconds?) there was a time yesterday when that
was not high enough.
I am running MailScanner/SpamAssassin on our Mail Relay with the
lightest load. Even with SpamAssassin enabled it normally runs at more
than 90% idle. Our Mail relays are Sparc Ultra-5_10s (400MHz) with 384MB
of memory. The behaviour is curious on such a lightly loaded system.
Note that I have disabled RBL+ plus checking by MailScanner and have
instead enabled it within SpamAssassin (specifying and a weight of 10 in the
/etc/mail/ file).
Any pointers as to what might be happening would be welcome.
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