Spamassassin, mailscanner 3, etc.

Rose, Bobby brose at MED.WAYNE.EDU
Wed Jan 16 16:08:44 GMT 2002

Great!  I was going see if I could do this also instead of just logging
to syslog.

I also added this to the sub SpamAssassinChecks routine so that I could
get a hardcopy of @wholemessage so I could manually run it thru
spamassassin to get a report.  The numbers are are more accurate this
way then saving the message from an email client.

  open(DOUT, ">>/var/spam/queue/sp$mID") or Log::DieLog("Failed to
create copy of spam message sp$mID");
  print DOUT "Whole message is this:\n";
  print DOUT "----------------------\n";
  print DOUT join("\n", at WholeMessage) . "\n";   
  print DOUT "---------------\n";
  print DOUT "End of message.\n";
  close DOUT;

On my test box, I had updated to v2 of spamassassin which according to
the lists, sounds close to release.  There doesn't appear to be any
compatibility issue with mailscanner.  I'll have to go back and look at
the 1.5 docs.  Maybe get_hits() was undocumented in 1.5 or something.  

Note that if anyone updates to v2 be prepared to go thru and manually
delete the 1.5 modules because the install didn't seem to install the
.pm or something.  I ended up manually removing everything including
it's prefs which may have been the problem.

-----Original Message-----
From: Julian Field [mailto:jkf at ECS.SOTON.AC.UK] 
Sent: Wednesday, January 16, 2002 6:07 AM
Subject: Re: Spamassassin, mailscanner 3, etc.

At 02:22 16/01/2002, you wrote:
>I added get_hits () to the and also uncommented the line to

>save to a queue for analysis (had to move it into the routine where 
>$dfilename was getting set though).

Ah! I had never seen any mention of get_hits() before. I have just
tweaked the code so that instead of saying
         X-MailScanner-SpamCheck: SpamAssassin
it will now say
         X-MailScanner-SpamCheck: SpamAssassin (10 hits)
or whatever.

I know some people had been asking for this, I didn't realise there was
a way of doing it :-)
Julian Field                Teaching Systems Manager
jkf at         Dept. of Electronics & Computer Science
Tel. 023 8059 2817          University of Southampton
                             Southampton SO17 1BJ

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