Spamassassin, mailscanner 3, etc.

Rose, Bobby brose at MED.WAYNE.EDU
Tue Jan 15 05:41:21 GMT 2002

I've been running the same testing and seeing the same results.  I've
been trying to narrow it down also.  It's definitely not a timing issue
since I can pass the same message thru several times on my test box and
SpamAssassin still returns 0 to mailscanner.  But if you run the cmdline
program against it, it gets tagged as spam. I want to say that it has
something to with html formated messages and the perl spamassassin apis
though I'm trying to figure out how it functions while trying to diag
the issue.

-----Original Message-----
From: Michael Chaney [mailto:mdchaney at MICHAELCHANEY.COM] 
Sent: Tuesday, January 15, 2002 12:00 AM
Subject: Spamassassin, mailscanner 3, etc.

I ran 1000 known spams through the mailscanner/spamassassin setup to see
what the percentage was.  It was about 70%, not to great, particularly
since spamassassin is supposed to be in the high 90's.  So I looked at
the messages that weren't marked.  Sure enough, some of them do get
tagged as spam if I run them manually through spamassassin.  Before I go
tracking this down, is it something obvious?  Could it be something
timing out given the load that 1000 emails simultaneously tends to put
on a mail server?

Any ideas are appreciated.

Michael Darrin Chaney
mdchaney at

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