Using Kaspersky AV with mailscanner

Nick Phillips nwp at LEMON-COMPUTING.COM
Mon Jan 14 17:01:51 GMT 2002

For the benefit of anyone who has had problems with kaspersky AV and

It looks like kaspersky's output may have changed significantly between the
version I have and some (very slightly) earlier ones.

So, if you could try using a version of kaspersky at least as high as this:

|            Kaspersky Anti-Virus for Linux             |
|         Copyright(C) Kaspersky Lab. 1998-2001         |
|                 Version 3.0  build 136                |
|                                                       |

then it "should" work.

I'd be grateful if anyone having problems with this or more recent versions
could send me everything necessary to reproduce the problem (details of your
kaspersky setup, your mailscanner.conf, your Linux distribution etc., and
the mail that caused the problem).

Oh, and the mail that caused the problem would be kind of essential, too.


Nick Phillips -- nwp at
Perfect day for scrubbing the floor and other exciting things.

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