Commercial virus checker failed ...

Julian Field jkf at
Wed Jan 9 11:25:13 GMT 2002

At 02:49 09/01/2002, you wrote:
>On Wed, Jan 09, 2002 at 09:44:37AM +1000, Scott Farrell wrote:
> > For me it would be fail over.
>         Hmmm...  Good point.  I think.  But that's yet another REAL
>GOOD reason for multiple scanners.  HA failover if one blows chunks.

Good idea, folks. You can stop debating the issue now, I'll implement it
for the next release :-)

The "Virus Scanner" and "Sweep" keywords will become comma/space-separated
lists for backward compatibility with existing setups. I'll leave it up to
you to ensure that all the values of "Sweep" stay on 1 line. That's about
the simplest change I can think of.

>         Haven't seen anything that would really DoS the scanner.  Somewhere
>I've got that nasty gzip file "my_god_its_full_of_stars" and I've heard
>of the zip of death (but haven't landed myself a copy yet).  Any other
>known nasties?  (I collect them in my cybertoxin zoo.)

I've got a little zip file that blows out to 49,000 terabytes. It got
mailed to a mailing list which one of my users subscribes to. It tell ya,
it takes Sophos a little while to cope with that one!
Julian Field                Teaching Systems Manager
jkf at         Dept. of Electronics & Computer Science
Tel. 023 8059 2817          University of Southampton
                             Southampton SO17 1BJ

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