Can't get spam checking working?

Gerry Doris gerry at DORFAM.CA
Mon Jan 7 03:03:35 GMT 2002

On Sun, 6 Jan 2002, Julian Field wrote:
> At this point is the mailscanner process still running? What's the last few
> mailscanner lines in your maillog when this happens?

My maillog shows mailscanner checked a test message being sent from my
system.  There is no other mention of mailscanner after that.  sendmail is
still running but mailscanner has disappeared.

> You may well need to upgrade your version of Perl, a few people are seeing
> Perl core-dump due to internal bugs in Perl itself.

I upgrade my verison of perl today to 5.61 using CPAN.  I also installed
Bundle::CPAN to be sure everything was up to date.  This is what I was
running when I got the above results today.  This is the same as I've been
getting with the new version.  There are no error messages anywhere.

"The lyfe so short, the craft so long to learne" Chaucer

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