SpamAssassin marks ALL mail as spam

Julian Field jkf at
Sat Jan 5 22:12:13 GMT 2002

At 21:52 05/01/2002, you wrote:
>When I configure
>Use SpamAssassin = yes
>ALL incoming mail is being marked as spam:

Find where SpamAssassin is installed (or where you installed it from) and
run "spamassassin - t < somefile" for a few test messages, and see whether
SA is reporting them wrongly.

I assume you are using SpamAssassin version 1.5?

>Jan  5 22:38:48 ram1 mailscanner[21945]: MailScanner E-Mail Virus Scanner
>version 3.01 starting.
>Jan  5 22:38:48 ram1 mailscanner[21945]: Configuring mailscanner for
>Jan  5 22:39:37 ram1 mailscanner[22182]: Forwarding 1 clean messages, 0
>Jan  5 22:39:37 ram1 mailscanner[22182]: About to deliver 1 messages
>Jan  5 22:40:07 ram1 mailscanner[22182]: Forwarding 1 clean messages,
>1218 bytes
>Jan  5 22:40:08 ram1 mailscanner[22182]: Message WAA23193 is spam
>according to SpamAssassin
>Jan  5 22:40:08 ram1 mailscanner[22182]: About to deliver 1 messages
>I have tried sending mail from different hosts, but it all gets marked as
>spam(and I am sure it's not!). When I turn off SpamAssassin in
>everything is being scanned for viruses and forwarded normally...
>However, I really like using SpamAssassin with MailScanner. What could have
>gone wrong?

Julian Field                Teaching Systems Manager
jkf at         Dept. of Electronics & Computer Science
Tel. 023 8059 2817          University of Southampton
                             Southampton SO17 1BJ

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