Solaris "pkg" format?

David Lee t.d.lee at DURHAM.AC.UK
Fri Jan 4 12:34:36 GMT 2002

Firstly: a huge thanks to Julian for providing, enhancing and supporting
MailScanner.  It has been most useful.

Next: a suggestion.  We have MailScanner installed on three Solaris
machines, and I am now trying to migrate to MailScanner-3.00-3.

It would be great if the installation process could be automated, and the
most natural way to do this would be using the Solaris "pkg" mechanism
(analogous to the Redhat RPM stuff).

Am I a lone voice in the wilderness wondering about Solaris/pkg or would
other Solaris sites also find this useful?

1. Julian: could you consider doing this, please?  Or at least commenting
   on the possibility of its being done.

2. If the idea meets with Julian's approval, and if there are several
   other sites which would positively wish for Solaris/pkg, then I might
   be able to volunteer to take an initial look at it (although it would
   have to be at low priority...).

3. If, subject to Julian's looking favourably on the principle, anyone
   else wishes to volunteer instead of me, please feel free to do so!



:  David Lee                                I.T. Service          :
:  Systems Programmer                       Computer Centre       :
:                                           University of Durham  :
:            South Road            :
:                                           Durham                :
:  Phone: +44 191 374 2882                  U.K.                  :

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