Notes about Version 3.00

Julian Field jkf at
Thu Jan 3 17:10:17 GMT 2002

2 things:

Firstly, if you are using a fairly old (<8.10) version of sendmail, and you
get a few "Failed to link, are the queues on the same filesystem" warnings,
then don't worry because that is just sendmail using the same queue id
twice in quick succession which causes a slight problem.

Secondly, if MailScanner appears to stop for no reason, switch it into
debug mode (set "Debug = 1" in the mailscanner.conf file) and run it. It
should run 1 batch of messages and then stop. If you get any errors such as
"segmentation fault - core dumped" then your copy of Perl has bugs in it
(in places where the version of Perl I use doesn't!). In this case I
suggest you upgrade your version of Perl to the very latest and try again.
I don't use any features specific to 5.6 so you may like to try the most
recent version prior to 5.6 if you have problems with the very latest version.

Due to the complexity of MailScanner now, I am starting to run into one or
two Perl bugs occasionally. These can normally be solved by upgrading the
version of Perl you are using.
Julian Field                Teaching Systems Manager
jkf at         Dept. of Electronics & Computer Science
Tel. 023 8059 2817          University of Southampton
                             Southampton SO17 1BJ

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