Exchange Users

Patterson, S R S.R.Patterson at SOTON.AC.UK
Wed Feb 13 13:38:49 GMT 2002

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Steve Evans [mailto:sevans at FOUNDATION.SDSU.EDU]
> Sent: 11 February 2002 22:19
> How many people here use Exchange 2000 with MailScanner?  If
> you do how do you protect your users from sending each other

Similar to the previous reply - we use a unix box with mailscanner as
the mail relay to prevent infected external mail getting to the
mailbox.  Further each desktop machine runs Sophos InterCheck and then
the Exchange server has the annoying security patch which stops you
from being able to download any of a number of different file types.

This kinda crosses thread with the "how can I scan mail going between
exchange users" thread.

Steven Patterson, MSci ----------------------------------------------+
|       Electronic Information Systems Support and Development       |
|         Computing Services, University of Southampton, UK.         |
+-------------------------------------------- Tel: +44 (0) 2380 595810
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..       Conviction is a bigger enemy of the truth than lies.       ..
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