Mcafee AutoUpdate Script

Stuart Luppescu s-luppescu at UCHICAGO.EDU
Fri Feb 8 16:34:21 GMT 2002

On 金, 2002-02-08 at 09:41, Steve Evans wrote:
> Yes.  I used the RPM.  That should have the updated script right?

One would expect, but who knows? Here is what you have to change to get
this to work (from a message on this list on 15 Jan from Lawrence E.
Bartash -- gotta give credit where credit is due):

OK I got this one fixed.
Taking braces out does absolutely nothing.
I changed the perl calls to system calls temporarily and noticed that
$DATlink had a trailing / on it. Very bad, perl doesn't barf on this!
therefore the real fix is on line 39
<my($DATlink) = "$mcafeeroot/dat/";
>my($DATlink) = "$mcafeeroot/dat";

also line 123 needs to be changed
<print "DATDir\n";
>print "DATdir\n";

Stuart Luppescu -=- s-luppescu at        
University of Chicago -=- CCSR 
才文と智奈美の父 -=-    Kernel 2.4.14-xfs                
Si jeunesse savait, si vieillesse pouvait.  [If
 youth but knew, if old age but could.]   -- Henri 
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