I Think this would be a great idea

Miguel Koren O'Brien de Lacy miguelk at KONSULTEX.COM.BR
Thu Feb 7 15:47:59 GMT 2002

I am interested in this feature.


Kelly Hamlin wrote:

> Something similar to how spamassassin does it would be wonderfull, that way
> im not hating certain people who continously call me about thier email.
> There should be an easy way for you to make it so you have a dont_scan.conf
> file and list people who you dont want mailscanner to do anything with. If
> this is possible i will love you guys even more!
> thanks and keep up the good work.
> Also, so i know, am i the only one who has this problem and would anyone
> else even be interested in this?
>                   //////
>                 ( o o )
> +--.oooO--(_)--Oooo.-----------------+
> | [Kelly Hamlin]
> | kellyh at cyberstreet.com
> | http://www.bomb.net
> |   .oooO
> |      (  )    Oooo.
> +--- \  (----(   )----------------------------+
>           \_)    ) /
>                 (_/

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