Per-Domain scanning for viruses and spam

Julian Field jkf at
Fri Feb 1 14:17:16 GMT 2002

At 14:49 31/01/2002, you wrote:
>I have implemented per-domain scanning for viruses and spam. It involves a
>few new keywords in the config file to switch the various bits on and off:
>What I need now is some beta-testers to try out the new features.
>Volunteers to me in person at mailscanner at (not the list)

I still need some beta-testers for this, else it will just get released in
its current state. Various of you said you wanted it, please help test it
for me! I've only had 1 offer so far...
Julian Field                Teaching Systems Manager
jkf at         Dept. of Electronics & Computer Science
Tel. 023 8059 2817          University of Southampton
                             Southampton SO17 1BJ

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