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Spicer, Kevin Kevin.Spicer at BMRB.CO.UK
Wed Dec 18 15:14:42 GMT 2002

> This blurb got me to staring at my sendmail PrivacyOption settings.
> I changed from "goaway,restrictqrun" to
> "goaway,restrictqrun,restrictmailq,noetrn,noreceipts" as a
> result (I've been trying to kill DSNs, hence the noreciepts too).
> I also realized that the default for sendmail 8.12.6 is a weak
> "authwarnings", so I sent in a bug report to sendmail requesting
> that they boost their default to at least "goaway" and maybe to
> "goaway,restrictqrun,restrictmailq,noetrn".  Their website also
> needs an FAQ on what the different options do.  Good work on
> the topic below!
Yes thats what I use too (except the noreceipts).  It really is worth taking a good look through sendmail.mc and looking up every option you don't recognise.  I found that the default sendmail.mc supplied with my Mandrake packages contained all sorts of stuff that wasn't needed and was possibly objectionable (for example, relay based on MX, which I have say I consider a very undesirable thing to do).
I find the README file in /usr/share/sendmail-cf invaluable, but even that misses some stuff (like the noetrn option). 

BMRB International
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