
Peter Peters P.G.M.Peters at civ.utwente.nl
Wed Dec 18 13:06:51 GMT 2002

On Tue, 17 Dec 2002 09:08:45 -0400, you wrote:

>> I have been wondering also because I know somebody who delivers very
>> small computersystems running on flashcards. These (the versions with 3
>> LAN's) are installed as firewall. But there are also versions with 1 LAN
>> and those would be perfect for an application level firewall (which I
>> believe MS is) if one could keep the queue to a minimal (=0) size.
>I don't think you'd want to keep a mail queue of any size on a flash disk.

I wouldn't keep the queue on the flashdisk. I would keep the queue in
RAMdisk but only when I could get the size down.

>A non-volatile Ramdisk (seperate power supply/battery backup) seems like a

That doesn't fit in those little systems.

Peter Peters
senior netwerkbeheerder,  Centrum voor Informatievoorziening,
Universiteit Twente,   Postbus 217,  7500 AE  Enschede
telefoon: +31 53 489 2301, fax:+31 53 489 2383, http://www.utwente.nl/civ

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