Run mailscanner from local mailer.

Julian Field mailscanner at
Fri Dec 13 17:01:27 GMT 2002

At 16:35 13/12/2002, you wrote:
>I have designed and programmed my own sendmail local mailer.
>May I run the mailscanner directly from my local mailer ?
>How ?
>The idea is that when  my sendmail delivers a new message to one of my hosted
>mailboxes, the mailer local run the mailscanner over the new message before
>delivering it to the recipient's mailbox.
>Is it possible ?

If you are using a recent version of (the real) sendmail, then locally
generated mail will go via on its way to your local mailer, so
will get scanned before your local mailer gets hold of it. MailScanner
doesn't involve itself in the actual delivery process at all, sendmail is
already very good at doing that.
Julian Field
MailScanner thanks transtec Computers for their support

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