Announce: mailscanner-mrtg extensive monitoring for MailScanner machines

Julian Field mailscanner at
Sun Dec 8 12:16:30 GMT 2002

At 04:17 08/12/2002, you wrote:
>   I have put together a set of scripts and configuration files to use
> MRTG for extensive MailScanner monitoring. mailscanner-mrtg is free
> software under the terms of the GPL.
>   mailscanner-mrtg provides configuration files, web pages and related
> perl scripts for mrtg to monitor your MailScanner
> ( machine. With it you will be able to
> monitor things like:
>   Many items can be configured in mailscanner-mrtg by editing the
> /etc/MailScanner/mailscanner-mrtg.conf file.
>   For most RedHat 8.0 & 7.3 machines no configuration should be necesary.
> Merely install this package and point your browser to
> <http://yourserver/mailscanner-mrtg/>http://yourserver/mailscanner-mrtg/.
>   Mailscanner-mrtg is available now for download at
> <>
>   Please assist me in making mailscanner-mrtg a better monitor by sending
> all improvements back to me!
>   Also coming soon: a maillog converter that can be run through analog
> (

This sounds great!

I have added a section about this right at the top of the MRTG monitoring
page on the MailScanner web site. I have also added a News item at the top
of the list about it.

Let me know if there's anything else I can do to help.
Julian Field
MailScanner thanks transtec Computers for their support
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