"Convert Dangerous HTML To Text" option

Michael Keightley mk at quadstone.com
Wed Dec 4 16:34:37 GMT 2002

How would I go about allowing certain messages containing <IFrame> and
<OBject Codebase=..> tags,  e.g. from *@comicsmail.unitedmedia.com, but convert
the rest to text?
Currently other HTML attachments are quarantines as I have this set:

Allow IFrame Tags = /var/opt/MailScanner/etc/rules/allow.iframe.tags.rules

  % cat /var/opt/MailScanner/etc/rules/allow.iframe.tags.rules
  From:             *@comicsmail.unitedmedia.com    yes
  FromOrTo:         default


Michael Keightley <Michael.Keightley at quadstone.com>    Tel: +44 131 220 4491
Systems Manager, Quadstone Limited,                    Fax: +44 131 220 4492
16 Chester Street, Edinburgh EH3 7RA, Scotland         http://www.quadstone.com

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