not logging ">>> Virus", only "Found 1 viruses"

Piper Andreas pipera at HRZ.UNI-MARBURG.DE
Mon Aug 5 13:24:53 IST 2002

> The McAfee parser doesn't log the report lines as they are broken into 2
> and are therefore a real pain to log. The others log them at log level "info".

I am using the appended patch to enable logging for McAfee VirusScan.
This is running now for some weeks on my mailers without problems
(running MailScanner-3.21-1).

Andreas Piper

***       Wed Jul 24 16:08:55 2002
---    Mon Aug  5 14:14:20 2002
*** 567,572 ****
--- 567,573 ----

    # make an equivalent report line from the last 2
    $report = "$lastline$currentline";
+   Log::InfoLog($report);
    # note: '$dot' does not become '.'
    ($dot, $id, $part, @rest) = split(/\//, $lastline);
    $infections->{"$id"}{"$part"} .= $report . "\n";

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