safesasl failed

Kham Vue kvue at WADSNET.COM
Thu Aug 1 13:03:26 IST 2002

What is the file for?  Spam Assassin?
----- Original Message -----
From: "Alf Gunz" <hugo.1000 at GMX.NET>
Sent: Thursday, August 01, 2002 7:45 AM
Subject: Re: safesasl failed

> Hi,
> > [root /etc]# ls -all sas*
> > -rw----r--   1 root     root        20480 Jul 31 16:11 sasldb
> > [root /etc]#
> If you have passwords in that file you should make it only read-/writable
> by root ( chmod o-r sasldb).
> --
> mfg alf

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