www.openantivirus.org / ScannerDaemon

Scott Farrell sub at ICCONSULTING.COM.AU
Sat Apr 13 04:33:54 IST 2002

Has anyone looked at integrating any part of the www.openantivirus.org /
ScannerDaemon , ( see url http://www.openantivirus.org/projects.php).

Its PatternFinder looks quite interesting, and I could support scanning of
http/samba/sendmail from maintenance/management of the one virus scanner
installation (if we/I work on integrating the ScannerDaemon).

Longer term it would help reduce the work on integrating virus scanners to
mailscanner, and mailscanner could more concentrate on support for
sendmail/exim/etc etc, and protocols such as MIME/TNEF etc etc

It also has the advantage as running as a daemon, rather than starting and
stopping the virus engine each time.

I guess the only draw back is Java, whilst a good language etc etc, it
might be a bit 'heavy' for some users compared to the shell scripts.

For IC its not a drawback, as we are very very Java orientented anyways.
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