Can't Install Mail Scanner,

David Pollard david.pollard at MERIDIANINFO.COM
Tue Apr 9 01:14:57 IST 2002

Hi Julian,
Thanks for the reply.  I have sorted it out and it now appears to be
running smoothly although I am yet to do some serious testing.

FYI and for anyone else that may bump into the same problem.

I found the rpm --rebuilddb command and it ran without reporting any
problems.  I tried to install the rpm again by right clicking on the
file in a graphical file manager as I did before then and chose the
install option.  I received the same message as before.  I then tried
the command line specified in the Installation guide and it said the
package was already installed.  I tried again with the --force option
and it spewed out screens of information all of which looked good except
for a couple of things that looked like minor problems.  I ran the
sophros.install script again for good measure and it worked ok to.

I Sent a test virus through the server and it picked it up no problem.

This looks like quit a robust system and I'm looking forward to getting
rid of my old solution.

Thanks Again

-----Original Message-----
From: Julian Field [mailto:jkf at ECS.SOTON.AC.UK] 
Sent: Tuesday, 9 April 2002 12:11 AM
Subject: Re: Can't Install Mail Scanner,

At 04:06 08/04/2002, you wrote:
>Hi There,
>I m trying to install Mailscanner on my Redhat Linux 7.1 machine.
>I have downloaded the .rpm file a couple of times and get the same
>Logged on to the consol as root if I choose the install option I get
>following error message.
>db3 error(-30989) from dbcursor -> c_get: DB_RUNRECOVERY: Fatal error,
>database recovery.
>It comes up twice with the only option being OK
>If I press ok it tells me that there were problems and would I like to
>ignore them.  If I do then the program doesn t work.
>Some of the files are installed but some are missing. (sophoswrapper
for one)
>Any ideas what I can do to fix this problem.
>PS I tried to search the list archive but I could not connect to it.

If you are getting db3 errors, then something is broken in your RPM
database on your system. Read "man rpm" and look for the option to
the database.
Also, try downloading the MailScanner RPM again, just in case it got
corrupted on its way to you (very unlikely but it could happen).
No-one else has reported any problems with the latest RPMs, so it must
be a
problem specific to your system.

Julian Field                Teaching Systems Manager
jkf at         Dept. of Electronics & Computer Science
Tel. 023 8059 2817          University of Southampton
                             Southampton SO17 1BJ

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