[Fwd: mail delay and can't parse message]
Peter Valian
Thu Apr 4 21:55:34 IST 2002
Here is an example message and log entries:
here's the message to postmaster w/ full headers:
The following e-mail messages were found to have viruses in them:
Sender: <bounce-lghtml-1892263 at sprocket.lockergnome.com>
Recipient: <williamd at southwestern.edu>
Subject: [Lockergnome Windows Daily] Whiter Inevitability
MessageID: g34DtcD24786
Report: Could not parse message g34DtcD24786
Full headers are:
Return-Path: <?g>
Received: from lockergnome.com (sprocket.lockergnome.com [])
by ralph2.southwestern.edu (8.11.6/8.11.6) with SMTP id g34DtcD24786
for <williamd at southwestern.edu>; Thu, 4 Apr 2002 07:55:38 -0600
X-Mailer: ListManager Web Interface
Date: Thu, 4 Apr 2002 00:56:15 -0600
Subject: [Lockergnome Windows Daily] Whiter Inevitability
To: williamd at southwestern.edu
From: Lockergnome Windows Daily <subscriptions at lockergnome.com>
List-Unsubscribe: <mailto:leave-lghtml-1892263N at sprocket.lockergnome.com>
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Reply-To: leave-lghtml-1892263N at sprocket.lockergnome.com
Sender: bounce-lghtml-1892263 at sprocket.lockergnome.com
<LISTMANAGERSQL-1892263-1503173-2002.04.04-00.58.20--williamd#southwestern.edu at sprocket.lockergnome.com>
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/html; charset=us-ascii
Email Virus Scanner
sendmail log:
Apr 4 07:55:39 ralph2 sendmail[24786]: g34DtcD24786:
from=<bounce-lghtml-1892263 at sprocket.lockergnome.com>, size=38467,
class=0, nrcpts=1,
msgid=<LISTMANAGERSQL-1892263-1503173-2002.04.04-00.58.20--williamd#southwestern.edu at sprocket.lockergnome.,
proto=SMTP, daemon=MTA, relay=sprocket.lockergnome.com []
and message in quarantine is attached.
I have noticed that all occurences of these "could not parse" messages
have <?g> as the return path...is this why they are unparseable?
any help appreciated.
Nick Phillips wrote:
> On Wed, Apr 03, 2002 at 03:13:26PM -0600, Peter Valian wrote:
>>However, Im getting many calls from users claiming that some email is
>>delayed by several hours. I have not personally witnessed this
>>phenomenon but it's more than just a couple users making this
>>claim...(they claim to receive mail as normal but then every now and
>>again get a message timestamped before several emails they have already
>>received. I don't know if the problem is with Mailscanner/Sendmail or
>>with Qpopper (4.0.3).
> You need to have a look at the messages in question, and see where the
> delay is actually occuring, if indeed it is (you often find that if the
> sending system has its clock set wrong then it appears at first to have
> been delayed, but when you look at the headers, you see that in fact there
> has probably been no delay).
>>Also, several warnings a day get sent to postmaster about 'could not
>>parse message xxx, e.g.
>> Report: Could not parse message g313LlZ19901
>>I don't know if these messages just got dropped or went through or what.
> Try it or check your logs; I can't remember off the top of my head what
> the answer is...
>>attached is my conf. One thing that's special to our set up is that the
>>mail spools are NFS mounted...so perhaps some file locking issues?
> Since you appear to be running sendmail, it's probably a bad idea to run
> with the spools NFS mounted, as so far as I am aware:
> 1) Sendmail uses flock();
> 2) flock() is not NFS-safe.
> I'm not too hot on the details of this though, as sendmail is not my preferred
> MTA.
> Cheers,
> Nick
> --
> Nick Phillips -- nwp at lemon-computing.com
> Tomorrow, you can be anywhere.
Peter Valian
Network & Systems Administrator
Southwestern University
Georgetown, Texas
512.863.1586 office
512.863.1605 fax
-------------- next part --------------
Return-Path: <g>
Received: from lockergnome.com (sprocket.lockergnome.com [])
by ralph2.southwestern.edu (8.11.6/8.11.6) with SMTP id g34DtcD24786
for <williamd at southwestern.edu>; Thu, 4 Apr 2002 07:55:38 -0600
X-Mailer: ListManager Web Interface
Date: Thu, 4 Apr 2002 00:56:15 -0600
Subject: [Lockergnome Windows Daily] Whiter Inevitability
To: williamd at southwestern.edu
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Message-Id: <LISTMANAGERSQL-1892263-1503173-2002.04.04-00.58.20--williamd#southwestern.edu at sprocket.lockergnome.com>
MIME-Version: 1.0
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Even with offering seven different document formats for the price
of one, we knew we'd run into a couple of platform
incompatibilities. Y'all came to Jim's rescue rather quickly!
<a href="http://www.roverandom.com/">Gail Reilly</a>: "I use
<a href="http://www.32768.com/bill/palmos/cspotrun/index.html">CSpotRun</a>
- the cool, and free DOC reader to read my GnomeTomes on my
Visor. It's pretty basic, but it does the trick." Joe Darden: "I
was up late last night, burning the midnight oil trying to figure
out the same exact thing. I found a free utility / application
that allows you to read any PDB file format on a palm OS device.
It is called 'Read Them All' and can be downloaded
<a href="http://www.freewarepalm.com/doc/readthemall.shtml">here</a>.
It takes a while to get the hang of the navigation, but after
tweaking the setting for scrolling, it is flying. Also, here is
the link to <a href="http://maksee.narod.ru/soft/">the guy</a> who
wrote the software. Hope this helps all the Tomies." Devin
Lussier: "Regarding the Palm Pilot system, I recommend
<a href="http://www.aportis.com/">Aportis Doc</a>. It should be able
to read that GnomeTome for you - it reads many text and portable
text formats!" Ryan Harris: "I work for Palm so this might be of
some use regarding the problem reading the GnomeTomes on a Visor.
Did the writer try using the Palm Reader for the PalmOS? It's a
<a href="http://palm.com/software/">free download</a> from the Palm
Web site." Tim Williams: "I have a Palm VIIx and had no problem
reading the Win2K Tips .PDB file in the freeware
<a href="http://www.geocities.com/Area51/7689/zdoc.html">ZDoc</a>
reader. He might also consider using something like
<a href="http://www.pierce.de/">MakeDocW</a> or
<a href="http://www.cognitiveroot.com/">Syncplicity</a> to load /
convert the text formatted file."
<a href="http://www.desertdwarf.com/">Ric Fisher</a> had further
thoughts on the matter: "I have quite a suite of Palm-compatible
document readers. For the record, your GnomeTomes PDB files are in
the standard Palm DOC format. A Palm DOC has no relation to
Microsoft Word's DOC file format. Palm DOC is a free-to-use
document format that was invented to answer the need for a
standard text-file document format on the Palm. There are many
programs that can be used on the Palm platform to read these
documents - like <a href="http://www.isilo.com/old/index.htm">ISilo Free</a> or
<a href="http://www.bluenomad.com/ws/prod_wordsmith_details.html">Wor
dSmith</a> (my favorite editor / reader). Have you thought about a
Palm-oriented newsletter (much like the Mac one you're starting)?
I'd be happy to help out with one." Yeah, we've thought about it
before - and I appreciate the offer for assistance. Stay tuned.
I'm sure it's an inevitability with so many PDA owners out there.
Oh yes, we've silently launched the Apple Core - even though a
sample issue hasn't been compiled yet. Jake, Furo, and I will be
working on it together. Which brings me to our question of the
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