not processing replies

jim schlegel jschlegs at TAMPABAY.RR.COM
Wed Nov 21 16:41:56 GMT 2001

does sendmail being controlled by inetd have any effect?

On Wed, 2001-11-21 at 11:37, Julian Field wrote:
> At 16:03 21/11/2001, you wrote:
> >Everyone is using Windows Outlook Express and set for SMTP.  I am using
> >the check_mailscanner script to start MailScanner, so I'm not sure if that
> >is using the queue mode or not.  I looked through mailscanner.conf and it
> >has "Delivery Method = batch" set.
> So it's running in batch mode, which is the usual setting.
> >Just set Debug = 1 and now it is not even scanning messages.   However, it
> >is now delivering replies!
> Don't run it in debug mode, it will behave differently from normal.
> I don't understand why that has an effect on the replies though, sorry.
> --
> Julian Field                Teaching Systems Manager
> jkf at         Dept. of Electronics & Computer Science
> Tel. 023 8059 2817          University of Southampton
>                              Southampton SO17 1BJ

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