Cost of Virus Scanner!

Bjarke Pedersen bp at LICENG.DK
Wed Dec 12 08:39:45 GMT 2001

Hmm, regarding the cost of Sophos. I talked to my dealer. First he wanted a
per user fee. 20 users/1 mail server = 20 licences
(~20.000dkk/yr~2.000$US/yr=expensive smtp gateway). He then decided that
'one may tweak the rules' - if you buy 5 (or more) licences you are allowed
to install one licence on a 'server'. I ended up with 5 licenses
(~500$US/yr) to get one linux (server) installation. One may use the other
four on 'workstations'.


Bjarke Pedersen

-----Original Message-----
From: MailScanner mailing list [mailto:MAILSCANNER at JISCMAIL.AC.UK]On
Behalf Of Nick Phillips
Sent: 11. december 2001 17:17
Subject: Re: Cost of Virus Scanner!

On Tue, Dec 11, 2001 at 09:44:16AM -0600, Tim Tyler wrote:

>   I agree.  We have decided to look at the smtp gateway filtering
> by Symantec and Micro Trend.  Set your mx records to push all smtp traffic
> to the gateway box and all email should be properly filtered.  It might
> out a bit cheaper than Sophos or McAfee in the long run.  Sophos forces

I believe the list of extra AV systems that mailscanner will work with in
the next release (before Christmas) will be:

 F-Secure, Inoculate-IT, Command Software AV, NAV, possibly Kaspersky.

Hope that helps...



Nick Phillips -- nwp at
Don't worry.  Life's too long.

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